4 Kingdoms

Martek's Research

Quest Lore

Nahammerch, Badr Ajjân, the Moon Heart appeared in our lands 250-300 years ago. He was a man of great power, who ruled as a Prince but whose subjects suffered cruelly at his hands. He had somehow subverted the worship of the true Gods and operated a perverted and cruel unnatural worship of other forces, in secret.

Although he and his followers had operated in secret, his ideas have infiltrated, and had an insidious effect upon, the worship of the true gods. Faithful worship has become corrupted, by the observance of unnatural practises and deviant ceremonies, which have become accepted part of worship for many priests and also many people.

This tainting of the religious observances naturally angered the gods, who became less willing to aid their followers and more likely to exact apparently capricious revenge.

In collaboration with several senior priests, including the High Priest of Set at the time, I attempted, with much success, to root out this perversion, to reverse these influences and purify the Azilharian sacraments.

At the same time I researched the history of NahamMerch and discovered more behind him than anyone realized. I was drawn to the conclusion that although he had died centuries previously, that his was a great evil power which would rise again. However the gods also show me the coming of other forces, three armoured brothers, who will combat him, and it is these three true warriors I seek to aid here.

In my research I uncovered an old Nahammerch temple at Zahlbarehn, which I raided and destroyed. In that place I discovered more about a Nahammerch and his allies, a group I came to know as "the five".

Nahammerch had created deadly traps and strange demons to protect his unholy temple, making use of the pentagram sign and small arcane symbols apparently relating to this group. The meaning of these signs is not clear to me, although I have fathomed some of their secret use.

In this place I have stored the results of my life's work to aid those who come after and left guidance to help you, for I know it is you that read this. Knowing that your enemy would also likely seek this knowledge, I prepared traps in their style to foil them. The orb, circlet, eye and moon are artefacts these demons treasure and, after many years of study and work, I devised those copies to destroy them. Only you three brothers could have avoided my tests and passed the door to read my words now.

Whether you be followers of Set, Lethis, Osiris, Balamak, Huro or Taskali, may the Gods be with you in your Quest.

Of Nahammerch and his 4 Jahamaran I know these things

There are five symbols, each associated with one name and one colour.

Nahammerch owned a powerful helmet - The Helm of Sound

This made him impervious to attacks or subversions caused by sound and it allowed his hearing to be especially acute. This item appeared to have remained in another land for reasons I am unable to discover.

Each of the group had an item somehow associated with this helm - a shield impervious to damage, a bracelet that enhanced arcane powers, a skull that sensed, a belt affording demonic protection on command.

There may be other groups of five objects and patterns of five appear significant.

As well as himself coming here, apparently from the west (although I know not where), his ally Chor Fel had travelled to a place further west and Neslahm had journeyed south.

Nahammerch's ceremonies are associated with the destruction of true artefacts or honest people. Death by hanging was particularly favoured as a punishment and a ceremony. His followers referred to this as someone being "suspended".

He uses a special icon or rune for ultimate protection - the normal method of passing this rune is to perform a perverted ceremony involving the destruction or desecration of something pure.

Nahammerch had many places of worship hidden in Azilhâ. One of these I destroyed at Zahlbarehn. Others were uncovered and destroyed by my allies and predecessors. However, his high temple remains hidden from us. It is told that this temple was hidden in a green valley nourished by the waters of the Athis. When he died he cursed the valley by the power of "The Diamond of Time" and the valley dried up and died with him. However, no-one has been able to find this temple or the valley and none of the many searches along the Athis have revealed any trace of it. Strangely it is said that the waters of the Athis rose rather than dried in the years following his death.

My only further indication of the location of this place is that it was said to be "beyond the city of the beggars", although this vague description could apply to every city and has helped me nought.

Of the "Diamond of Time" I can also find no trace or reference, except one reference in a folk song of the Ghrasik plains, which talks "The dark spaces of the Crescent Moon leading to Time's Diamond, a meteorite fragment of unearthly power".