4 Kingdoms
The Chronology
- 340-350
- Construction of the tower at Granfordir
- 347 ?
- Riasc and Nyall defeat Bael and are killed by Gamlich, who takes Tarsober and Mengros.
- 400
- Nahammerch comes to Azilhar
- 403
- Colomnis and Zarlkruger kill each other
- 480
- NahamMerch dies
- 650-700
- Martek researches Nahammerch
- 720
- Date of Martek's document
- 700-800
- Lagoin invasion of the 4 Kingdoms
- 850
- Guthron dies
- 931
- Knights of Golden Falcon established
- 980-1000
- Rise of Ghraman church in Azilhar
- 1022
- Talvarran established (village almanacs dated 1022, 1072, 1124, 1206, 1284, 1356, 1413)
- 1063
- Battle of Gonjon Hills
- 1094
- Nagala's tower built
- 1202
- Battle of Carask Pass
- 1209-1242
- Targlir is Overlord of Laosin
- 1218
- Battle of Lehrsorm
- 1224
- Failed attempt by Targlir to enter Granfordir
- 1242-1247
- Garesk (son of Targlir) is Overlord of Laosin
- 1246
- Failed attempt by Garesk to enter Granfordir
- 1256
- Map1 of Laosin and Granfordir drawn (Zeim Falc marked as HQ of knights. Must be a later addition.)
- 1357
- Map2 of Laosin and Granfordir drawn
- 1364
- Letter from Manahail Seer to the King of Vanlies - reporting on the history of Granfordir
- 1380-1400
- Moon sect of Ghrama appears
- 1384
- Zeim Falc established
- 1400
- Knights attack Ogres at Nagala's tower
- 1416
- Battle of the Two Riders
- 1480
- Entrance to Demathon temple in Erthelm sealed
- 1567
- Connal takes first neighbouring kingdom
- 1575
- Connal takes Vanlies to form Vanconnal
- 1580
- The party retrieve Tarsober (Fearno) and Mengros from the halls of Carysic near Kirk
- The party are first attacked by Trohsam
- 1581
- The party take on the quest to destroy the Star of the Seven Firmaments.
- Marius says the quest will come to a head in 10-20 years
- The party enter the magic garden near Demildon
- 1585
- The party leave the magic garden and are expelled from Meresvale
- The party believe they have discovered part of the star at Granfordir, but cannot retrieve it.
- First trip to the Fehermes
- 1586
- Lorris is killed whilst researching the star (apparently as a result of a curse)
- Lucius fails in an attempt to kill Trohsam in Salsorme
- Offa is killed and Willan becomes the wielder of Tarsober
- 1587
- Quivhon is recovered in the Fehermes
- Two knights who were previously stationed at Granfordir attack Farlas on Yen
- Liberation of the Ferhermes - Lucius is killed
- The party enter Nessemnar and retrieve the Orb or Torlich - Lucius begins his journey home.
- 1588
- Liberation of Salsorme
- Uspin becomes Taran Er Anendil and the Farah church pass on a large shield to the Party
- First trip to Talvarran. Morris and Hortense die investigating the surrounding area
- The Ansachat items are found and used to travel through the planes. Fight with Norgraze et al - some Ansachat items lost.
- Some characters are lost on the Astral plane.
- Ralpere and others investigate the Sign of the Goat
- Farlas and others are rewarded by the King of Ruistor (and others) with lands and titles
- 1589
- Nalin and others defeat Norgraze and Tusula at Erthelm
- Ralpere becomes the wielder of Mengros
- The Orb of Torlich is destroyed by the three priests Marius Telman, Rallink and Gilla
- Nahammerch's presence in Azlihar is investigated. A book is retrieved from Githron's tomb
- Martek's research into Nahammerch is discovered, as are three magical items he has left.
- Pallea obtains a book describing the construction of Granfordir.
- All Ansachat items are recovered and there is a second visit to Talvarran to rescue lost comrades from the Astral plane.
- Trohsam attacks the party again.
- 1590
- Ralpere becomes one with the Farah shield
- A map is obtained, which appears to provide the location of Ronsin and the Tower of Torlich
- A demon and a demonist are discovered hiding in the heart of Salsorme, apparently observing the party.